# adultlife comics comicstrip humor littleanimatedme originalcomic politicalmemes tvarguing webcomicsofinstagram youtubeclips drawlloween art digitalart artprompt comic halloween spooky spookyart halloweenart simpleart cartoon cartoonart artist cartoonist funnyart funnycomic cuteart politicalcomic webcomics comicart carbon relatable climatechange politics politicalcartoon qanoncult webcomic immature aynrand shrinkgovernment growliberty libertarian objectivism covidstimulusbill christmas covidrelief stimulus stimulusnow stimuluschecks stimulusbill electionmemes eviction evictions political politicalcartoons politicalthinking bidenharris2020 trump trumpmeltdown nsfw bidenharristosaveamerica election2020 politicalart politicalsatire cartoonmovement illustration drawing digital digitalpainting jokes satire clearance sale cabinets pillows forsale kidfree childsafety maxwells storageideas storage pinedoart pinedo2020 covid19 pandemic2020 pandemic contemporaryart covid editorialcartoon dumptrump notmypresident politicalartist coronavirus webcartoon politiccartoons amlo elcacas caricature drawthisinyourstyle caricaturas susanadistancia cuarentena cuarentenacreativa procreate illustrationdaily politicalillustration government parliament conservatives conservative tory tories mogg jacobreesmogg grenfell lbc spectator newstatesman inktober inktober2019 inktoberlist charge draw ilustração desenhos politicabrasileira myberniestory yang2020 humanityfirst freedomdividend yanggang securethebag letyangspeak elonforyang meme trumpsbodycount trumpscaredofyang slobgate

I usually don't get political on my comic😅 but I do watch various political content😵‍💫 Someday they'll hear me through the TV screen😆📺

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well, i hope those private jets have less carbon footprint than my plastic straws 😅

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Each time you hear politicians’ talking points about groomers and pedophiles you hear them mainlining the repeatedly debunked Q Anon conspiracies.

It’s scary.

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Instead of debate and negotiation, we’re left with a childish catchphrase to cover up an insult. America has devolved to 3rd grade maturity levels.

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Quinto dia de com o tema Construir/Build. E o melhor assunto que encontrei pra tratar dentro desse tema foi o da obra inacabada que atrapalha todo mundo.

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