1. When Raydrik steals Manster from you
2. When Altena finds out

21 109

i loved it in fe5 when leif said its thracin time and everyone from thracia 776 thraced all over raydrik

149 382

finally compiled all my art, so what better way to start than at the beginning. Emperor Arvis and Mus for the Fire Emblem Compendium. Wouldn't mind redrawing these in the future sine my art has improved ALOT over the years.

1 1

imagine a world where we got fallen raydrik as deadlord mus instead of a man with trauma on a fallen banner

20 102

The Blackheart Baron, Raydrik (Fire Emblem, Thracia 776)

73 294


Also who else was also funny and killed Raydrik with Bragi blade Nanna

3 16

I REALLY want to see the Xavier's FEH New Design. To think in the possibility of Lord Ippei being the artist of this amazing and endearing character is simply WONDERFUL!!
I can't wait to see an armored unit of Thracia in FEH! Dalsin, Xavier and even Raydrik... I want them all! 🧡

1 14

Major Villains not in FEH:
- Raydrik
- Nergal
- Sephiran
I'm not mentioning Medeus, Ashera Anankos, Nemesis or Rhea because I'm 100% sure they will be Mythics.

5 28