The mountains vibrate under a deafening roar, huge creatures ridden by proud elves of noble birth rise on the horizon.
Find them in our February Patreon!

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Last day of this week and we bring you to delight you with our Imperial Kindred Swordmasters that will make their arrival in the November Patreon!

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Hurry up to get your units of Necromancers and Elven Mages on foot at the best price in this last week of our June Patreon

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May the light of the Elven Mage on Horse be with you.
It is already available and you can buy it in our Patreon of the month of March

What are you waiting for? It has to be yours.

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Nearly there on Teclis. Base is almost done too. Then... onto Celennar. Tried to evoke the palette of Yoshitaka Amano watercolors.

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As you could see with the swordsmen, the unit despite the diorama is quite flexible. I leave you today some better renders.

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Finished my Teclis over the weekend, happy with how he fits in with the army over all. There will be some amazing painted models produced for him I am sure the detail is increadible

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It’s just come to my attention that my first Warhammer: Age of Sigmar novel, REALM-LORDS is now available in both ebook and audiobook forms! (Hardcover coming next year.)

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so this is edit of my , which is 1000x better then my attempt to edit them the other day ... clearly i need to up my game !! lol

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The second I saw the sculpt I knew what I had to do... The spirit of Aenarion the Defender!

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She has a name! Everyone say hello to the Scinari Cathaller!

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