Redcaps are mine dwellers. Their hats and clothes are dyed in their preys blood so that the smell of copper can help them blend into their surroundings

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Little late to the party but it was excellent seeing Redcaps Revenge Galleon set of on her maiden voyage. Cheers for the coffee & great time guys ❤️‍🔥🏴‍☠️

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Redcaps are viciously quick creatures but seem to prefer hurling large stones at those who trespass in a Redcaps lair. It is said they can be chased away with words of scripture, or permanently dealt with by brandishing a crucifix at them. 🩸

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Redcaps. The most vicious of the little people dyeing their caps red from the blood of people they stone to death. In Ireland they are the fir dearg ,walking uninvited into homes...any attempt to remove him brings tragedy.
Art by the amazing dave Allsop

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My interpretations of some Feywild creatures--pixies and redcaps.

warning: implied gore and body horror

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Redcaps are among the nastiest and most violent fairies around. They dye their trademark caps with human blood.

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New Video is live on youtube, Why you should play Redcaps

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From today's pathfinder session.
1. we had to fight spider swarms that lived in an undead spider, yuck!
2. the husband got caught in a spider web and usually he saves Yoruko, so she had to gloat a bit
3. we fought redcaps so yoruko used it to try out her fey form and mimicked one

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Your head would fit in my MOUTH >: 3 (Thanks edible redcaps of Maldraxus lol)

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Guess where redcaps are from.

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After a daring distraction and break out of Elturel, our adventurers make it to Fort Knucklebones, where good deeds do not go unnoticed... As do their coconut clops.

Also voicing redcaps is haaard.
Descent into Avernus continues next week!

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Drew two of my setting's redcap
Male redcaps tend to be taller and a bit thinner, with not a lot of hair but very rough skin, and an upturned nose.
Females tend to have a lot of hair all over their body, including stubble, and very long ears.

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Some fairies are murderous, such as the Redcaps who are said to haunt the Border peel towers. They try to redye their caps in human blood...#SuperstitionSat

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Redcaps, fiendish little fellows who get their name from dipping their red caps into the blood of their enemies

You can see more creature studies on my blog:

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Generic Fey Tokens pack now availabu on !!
Sugar! Spice! and everything ni-OH MY GAWD!!!! ARE THOSE REDCAPS!?!?!? RUUUNNN!!!!┌( ಠ Aಠ)┘

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