いよいよ夏コミです!! 当会AXZ(アクシヅ)は 8月13日(日) スペース Z-05a です。※8月12日(土) A-71a REDEYES でも新刊委託頒布いたします。

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Ma sons Ryuu
its just his eyes and lips tho <3
will do his reference sheet next time D":

0 0

also red training outfit(?) '-')


1 7

Aye shouts out to go peep their store they got some lit shit 💖💖💖

1 3

[Top Sortie Vol.1 dispo en librairie chez , plus d'infos https://t.co/ZAAx5uCpyy

0 0

BEST sequel EVER is available NOW!! FREAKING EXCITED FOR 2!!

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