Ok I’m kind of glad I’m taking a few days off, think I’m hitting a burnout so time to take it easy. Typically before my marathon on Monday but what can you do?

2 6

Needy, blushy blowjobs and head pats 💕


3 9

NFT : Nah, fuck that. That's how I feel about them.

0 4

holiday mood… just a few more weeks of working until rest!! 😖🛌

1 19

Caption this! We will go first!
When wake up late for work/school but you realize its a 3 day weekend. 🤘

54 719

i 👏 cant 👏 draw 👏 noses 👏 or 👏 shade 👏 help

also her left arm is weird and the hat texture is just bad

1 10

Thelma perdeu seguidores por ser considerada arrogante naquela liderança

Prior continua ganhando seguidores mesmo com acusação de estupro, laudo médico comprovando, documento formalizado, testemunhas

Essa imagem nunca foi tão real

3988 12182

Nothin' like an irrelevant crossover, AMIRITE?

25 52