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Istiophoriformes, an order that includes some of the fastest fish in the ocean.
My favorite order of extant bony fishes.
The Fututoriformes or "f*ckers" from Snaiad are nowhere near that shocking if you think about them as wasps with spines.
In fact the wasps are even more messed up, because their stinger and reproductive organs are housed at the same part of the body.
psst @miiochan_ ... I have something for you...
Also Deimos the character is made by @AeternusUltio, and yes the background is stolen, cancel me. you won't, coward
@nbtapioles @AndreyAtuchin interpreted Therizinosaur as a plantigrade dinosaur first in Dinosaur Facts and Figures: The Theropods and Other Dinosauriformes. I don't sure if this interpretation is right but I don't think is impossible.
Alondra común (Alauda arvensis) con su nidito, un encargo para el TFG de @beabadook sobre niditos de paseriformes esteparios 💛 (lápices de colores) me gustó mucho hacerlo, RTs apreciados 🥺
@WillyrexYT @PXpropox a lo mejor no sirva de nada, xD (? hago dibujitos rariformes, y cobro barato *coff coff* asi era no? xdddd
Día 7: chorlitejo grande. Ave caradriforme con un llamativo vientre blanquecino. Llega a criar hasta en Groenlandia, por lo que soporta bien temperaturas bajas. Se alimenta de invertebrados que atrapa picoteando en la arena de la costa. #inktober2021
界:動物界 Animalia
門:脊索動物門 Chordata
亜門:脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata
綱:軟骨魚綱 Chondrichthyes
亜綱:全頭亜綱 Holocephali
目:ギンザメ目 Chimaeriformes
種: ココノホシザメ Hydrolagus barbouri
Did you know April is #decoratingmonth? To honor it, we are paying tribute to some of the most fabulous interior designers in the #bird world. #Bowerbirds! That’s the name given to the approximately 20 bird species of the Passeriformes order who build #bowers, elaborate #nests!
Now for something relatively recent of my own featuring weird and wonderful arachnids from some of the lesser-known orders: Solifugae, Schizomida, Ricinulei, Acariformes, Palpigradi, and Pseudoscorpionida. #SciArtTweetStorm
Bottom dwellers was this week’s theme for #SundayFishSketch. I immediately started looking at Siluriformes❤️
Hara jerdoni - a small (2.5-4 cm) bottom dweller from NE India and Bangladesh.
Good morning, arachnid fanciers! I made you a thing. https://t.co/SgKXVzbM8N
Ricinulei, Schizomida, Solifugae, Acariformes, Palpigradi, and Pseudoscorpionida ON YOUR HEAD!
You’re welcome.
Prices are in Canadian dollars, and worldwide shipping is included.