"A poet's work . . . to name the unnamable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep." ― Salman Rushdie

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New work on my profile: Illustration for the review "Salman Rushdie’s first novel since he was attacked is a tale of magic" published by The Illustration was made in
Art direction by Beth Broadwater.


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"Che tipo di regalo di Natale chiederebbe Gesù a Babbo Natale?"

(Salman Rushdie, Furia)

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Collage de Salman Rushdie quien fue tristemente apuñalado el pasado mes de agosto. Publicado este mes en el periódico Bilbao.

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Salman Rushdie va mieux et il plaisante. (Par )

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Stand with Salman and defend the freedom to write. This Friday, writers will gather in NYC to read from Salman Rushdie's body of work. Join us or follow along virtually. - https://t.co/fTZRLgkLGH

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Le monde littéraire réagit à l’agression de Salman Rushdie :
« Attaquer les écrivains ne les fait pas taire. Cela ne fait qu’amplifier leur voix »

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"Salman Rushdie" statement from Iran: "We have no information"
İran'dan “Salman Rüşdi” açıklaması: "Bilgimiz yok"

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non è più attaccato al respiratore e riesce a parlare.
Ieri ho fatto due disegni. Temevo che il secondo fosse troppo cupo.
Ho chiesto a chi mi sostiene su Patreon quale fosse il più adatto.
Alcuni preferivano il primo, altri il secondo.
Sono incerto. Voi che dite?

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Always with .
Always against all extremists and religious fanatics that kill and maim in the name of their imaginary overlord in the sky, or just for a bounty.

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“The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible” - Salman Rushdie

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🔴📣Le blasphème n'existe que chez les croyants et est une interdiction tacite de la critique de la religion.

Le droit ou pas au blasphème n'existe pas.

Seule la liberté d'expression existe et est un droit inaliénable en démocratie!

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My Painting.
Salman Rushdie, 2022

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