Please give a follow to Salvator Rosa if you are not following already

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drpg did what normal disgaea could not, it finally put salvatore in jail

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Poi il cielo portò foglie
sul suo corpo immoto,
Salirono cupe le acque dei mari.
Amore io qui mi dolgo,
senza amore, solo
Salvatore Quasimodo "Il canto di Apollion"


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KICKS FEET VERY FASTLY AND GIGGLES (He greatly dislikes certain aspects of the drow rewrites and R.A. Salvatore but loves Jarlaxle)

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Thank you, Salvatore! Amazing piece 🖤

'The Second Retaliation of the Son of Dawn'

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Nobody tell Dan Salvato that I was the one who photoshopped this work of art back in my high school years

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Calliope sostiene: se vuoi che la tua guerra sia cantata in ogni luogo c'è
un sacrificio di sangue da compiere.
E quando questo avverrà sarà determinante
Natalie Haynes "Il Canto di Calliope"

Salvator Rosa

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Holy Roller
New OC, Salvatore the Goat/Sheep Demon!

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Salvator Rosa(1615 - 1673)っていう、茶番劇で当時一番偉かった彫刻家のベルニーニを馬鹿にしてローマにいれられなくなった人の絵、こええ。

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