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The ORION Empire is an alliance of the oppressive forces in the Orion constellation consisting of Dracos and various Greys from Rigel.
#orion #aliens #ufos #extraterrestrials #anime #animation #evil #dictator #scifi #sciencefiction #starwars #tvseries #scififilms #conceptart
This is in the shops today. I’m rather proud of it. #infinitymagazine #klaatubaradanikto #thedaytheearthstoodstill #michaelrennie @20thHomeEnt @20thcentury #magazines #film #scififilms #Yorkshire #Bradford
Vernon Wells as Wez in The Road Warrior (1981). #vernonwells , #wez , #georgemiller , #postapocolyptic , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
Mel Gibson as Mad Max in The Road Warrior (1981). #madmax , #melgibson , #georgemiller , #postapocolyptic , #ilovescififilms , #scifihero , #scifisketch
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991). #lindahamilton , #sarahconnor , #terminator2 , #skynet , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch , #scifihero
Bruce Boxleitner as Tron (1982). #endofline , #bruceboxleitner , #tron , #user , #mastercontrolprogram , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
David Warner as Sark/Ed Dillinger in Tron (1982). #tron , #sark , #davidwarner , #endofline , #stevenlisberger , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
Sam J. Jones as Flash Gordon(1980). #samjjones , #flashgordon , #gordonsalive! , #flashaaah , #scificamp ,#ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
Charlton Heston as George Taylor in Planet of the Apes (1968). #planetoftheapes , #charltonheston , #georgetaylor , #icarus, #rodtaylor , #franklinjschaffner , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
Tom Noonan as Cain in Robocop 2 (1990). #tomnoonan , #robocop2 , #cain , #nuke , #irvinkershner , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch
Peter Weller as Alex Murphy in Robocop (1987). #peterweller , #robocop , #paulverhoeven , #dontmovecreep , #illbythatforadollar , #scififilms , #ilovescififilms , #scifisketch