i made a cool thing in shadertoy :)

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whats really cool is there is this Chrome extension called Homey that lets you have a custom homepage vith video background. I used to have Tokyo at night but i used Shadertoy's built in recorder to get 60 seconds of this and now its YESSSS https://t.co/HMbNpFnIG8

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Experimenting with shading/halftone and ways to get unique styles - truchet tiles of course. https://t.co/pCMAcwZB1G

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Je viens de me faire les tutos de sur Shadertoy et franchement ça donne envie de s'y mettre...
C'est très surprenant car c'est très puissant, avec un niveau de maths Terminale S !
(il faut au moins avoir un peu vu les vecteurs en 3D) ⬇️

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The new of the week is 'Asymmetric Hexagon Landscape' by Shane : https://t.co/zNB5rxmQEt

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WIP shatter and fall shader for using Vornoi, still in stage, but getting there...

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Stuck at home and bored? Kode Shaders! Get another 15% off on KodeLife licenses this week (on top of our 50% early supporter discount) w/ discount code


Shader 'virus 127' by aodnawg https://t.co/RMmEQuipOO

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It finally works! I wrote a shadertoy that generates non-periodic tilings by taking 2d cross-sections of a 5d cubic grid! 🔪🧊

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The of the week is 'Triangle Grid Contouring' by Shane : https://t.co/iVqHfv3skT

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This year was very productive for me! So for I made a small gif with almost all the I've written and published on in 2019!

They are all visible with their code here: https://t.co/VYAFPlItpt

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The new of the Week is 'The Amazing World of Gumball' by emmasteimann : https://t.co/tJ6pAwJxGj

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The new of the Week is 'Backlit Lighthouse' by dr2 : https://t.co/T1T60iWzwv

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The new of the week is 'One Way Trip' by PVM : https://t.co/Iece6wpRY9

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