Has this ever happened to you to look at one of your online then to print it only to find that on paper it works best or, the opposite, it doesn't work at all?

As a sketchnoter I definitely find this post interesting.

1 5

The first thing I want to say is:

"thank you for being awesome"

Once again being a allowed me to know more about a fellow sketchnoter. It was so good exploring what Katja does and her projects.

I’m grateful for this "chance by chance"

2 24

Creativity 👈
This word best describes a sketchnoters’ community meeting! We have a challenge for you😊Draw your vision of creativity. And paste with You’ve got next 2 weeks till 27th of June.

See you in Szczecin in September?
Tickets on sale until June 19th. Join us😊

6 24

My assignment is . Realizing this challenge was an opportunity to meet Meg and discover her graphic practice and her humor on the other side of the planet.
Nice to meet you, Meg !

3 31

Sketchnoter ses lectures pour partager visuellement un compte-rendu. Libérer la créativité et mobiliser différentes modalités d’apprentissage ! Le 26 janvier à 14h00 en ligne 1h30 de pratique avec et

10 19

"I believe listening is the secret weapon for a sketchnoter, so this guest article from my friend Claudio is right on target." –


0 2

Some tips for creatives, , to avoid “desk injuries”

My secret is using my almost everyday and relax with a paddle

And you ? https://t.co/kUCOA5I4cj

1 12

Here is my contribution to , sending cheerful songs for the ones quarantined due to the COVID19 and all other sketchnoters .
Thank you for including me in this lovely project😊

4 21

NEW Sketchnote Army Podcast Episode! Hear from , a visual thinker, sketchnoter, and agile coach, talk about the value of applying visualization w/ agile teams, his online course, and more! https://t.co/jypvVKRZRd

2 13

Pour compléter la semaine de la , voici un point sur différents façons de sketchnoter un livre 📚
À vous de jouer ! Et surtout bon week-end de Pâques 😍

7 11

October’s got a color thing happening with the leaves in these parts. Ohh AND that thing called @ Fall Conference! That’s happening again too! Stay tuned for tweets!

✍🏼 ☕️ 📲

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Taking a break from sketchnoting to dona digital watercolor of the first winter snow here in Iowa.

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And a big thank you for joining us for the day in Bournemouth ❤️ You have inspired a new wave of enthusiastic sketchnoters!!

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