Dovahkiin Aardesh

Today's sketchprompt: Swell

I'm normally not very into swellingly swoll musculature in my characters.... But Aardesh is a buff boi. Especially after a good workout of a few slayed dragons and Thalmor agents.
Better go relax at the hot springs for a bit

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Today's sketchprompt: Fuel

In fossil fuels such as oil has not yet been brought into industrial practice. There are arcane sources of energy, but those are few and kept by the elite.
Therefor, the heart of Droran's industry burns with coal and charcoal.

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The prompt today from is paint.

I'll admit I had a collaborator on this one. My 7yo did the "painting" on the canvas. 😁

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Want to join the on their weekly challenges? Now's your chance. Don't forget to tag us so we can repost! Here's August's themes.

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