初プラモは何しようかと考えてるうちにこんな時間。Get truth 太陽の牙ダグラムと境界戦記のARMORED SPECIAL CARRIERと遊んでみたり。サイズ感は同スケールなのでちょうど良い・・・トラックの窓がデカイ(笑)

3 16

Teaser poster a Jan. 5th release date set for crime-action film "Special Cargo" (literal title) starring Park So-Dam & Song Sae-Byeok.


10 28


which one? sorry. I was inspired a lot by the Phoenix bird to make this artwork ... but I would like to know what the community thinks about these two proposals.

5 27

Para la capilla Cerasi realizó el martirio de San Pedro y la vocación de San Pablo

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