Both CharPad and SpritePad are fab to use. As I said, I use them for FREEZE64 when displaying the sprite sets and character maps...

0 3

Here's an updated version with more tiles and more sprites added, because what good is a dungeon without a bunch of skeletons to defend it :)

Using hires bitmap mode. Made with 's CharPad and SpritePad Pro.

25 182

A dungeon tileset. I love making these :D

Made with 's CharPad and SpritePad Pro. Uses hires bitmap mode.

53 561

A small hires bitmap tileset, sprinkled with some sprites I made earlier :)

Probably the final update for now!

Made with 's CharPad and SpritePad.

17 144

Another small hires bitmap tileset idea, sprinkled with some sprites I made earlier :)

Made with 's CharPad and SpritePad.

16 171