Happy Finally getting around to developing Wendy and her sisters as characters was one of the best ways my art developed in 2021. And I have many more ideas for art featuring them to come!

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It's So here are a few of my favorite drawings of Maxwell!

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Happy Love seeing them in the garden and intend to paint more! Tinker dog used to appreciate them a little too much but Paisley is much more chilled about them!😆

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Good morning to everyone, but especially to all the squirrels, for today is

These early 19th century colour plates from 'Buffon's Animated Nature' (1828) show a red squirrel, a grey squirrel, a palm squirrel & a flying squirrel.

[Reserve 590 BUF]

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In time for

Get FREE Squirrel gifts with select purchases of 33,000 eStore Points or more until January 23, 2022! https://t.co/cEeEZEJdKg

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Contrary to the belief, Maxwell Squirrel is not named after his creator, Max Everett.

He's actually named after the Don Adams character, Maxwell Smart from the classic TV show, Get Smart.


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That's about it everybody, have a happy Enjoy Squirrels for minding their own business, being cute, and always being a nice surprise to see right outside your door! And of course Thank You for reading, and Happy 1 Year of this silly lil Squirrel.

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My favorite squirrels are ground squirrels because they hibernate!💤

I study the relationship between hibernating squirrels and their gut to understand how hibernation can be used to benefit humans-- like hibernating astronauts!🚀

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You might have this as a print or shirt, but did you know it's a real squirrel that I appreciate? Sits on my studio window ledge and gives me murder eyes when he sees me in his territory...

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It's almost dinner time, and that means apples, for some squirrels like the woodchuck.

And nuts, for all the others...

details: https://t.co/qrEswuvrTT

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During (Every October, mark your calendars.) I learned these forest dwellers glow pink under florescent lights!

Just another reason to appreciate squirrels.

details on the https://t.co/vFwzmE4H3p

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Today might just be our favorite holiday ... that’s right. It’s 🐿 Who run da world?? https://t.co/bQxutAsIp5

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Happy This dish was designed by William De Morgan at Sands End Pottery in Fulham c. 1888-1907. Tin glazed earthenware with ruby and gold lustre. On loan from the De Morgan Foundation

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Happy This dish was designed by William De Morgan at Sands End Pottery in Fulham c. 1888-1907. Tin glazed earthenware with ruby and gold lustre. On loan from the De Morgan Foundation

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And to round off (and also a lovely hug between three very cute red squirrels from a Picture Kelpie coming to bookshop shelves near you soon! https://t.co/kTykRAFD1h

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