Nothing like some promotional material to make a shop feel more like a real shop.

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8 13

So, I had decided that I have gotten a bit to hung up on designing large dungeons for Ninja Jim and should instead play around with tiny dungeons for a bit.

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5 8

It's amazing how much just adding a handful of doodads can make a place look more lived in.

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11 43

Playing around with the layout for the new test level. It's not that much larger than the last one, but it is a lot denser and gives me a lot more opportunities for guard patrol routes.

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8 18

As a character that's going to spend most of their time, like, 2 inches on screen, this animation is probably way more detailed than it had any need to be.
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10 18

Very rough animation (will eventually fill in to be 8 frames).
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22 78

После эльфов и рыцарей в доспехах обычные стражники такие родные, такие близкие. Как братья.

Только мёртвые.

0 5

"Stonetoss is a nazi"

Posted by u/Darkstealthgamer

21 227