A few weeks ago we spoke about moths causing damage to the National Trust Mansion in the UK. Recently, the Los Angeles Times reported a similar story in the Getty museum. The culprit is the same, the clothes moth (this month’s insect!).

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Thoughtful Thursday🤔:
Which game causes the most problems amongst your friends/family?
We'd love to hear your answers!

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Let's see how far a can go! Who's been kind, or needs some sent their way? ❤🌊

RT (with
Comment and tag👇 (with

Last week was amazing 👏

Keep it going...let us know WHERE you are so we know haw far the ripple has gone!🌍

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Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense. - Steve Landesberg

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Small joys multiplied = big life amplified.❄️

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How can you spark inspiration in others if your own light is burned out?

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“People mocked her, until the day they all found themselves imitating her” -Beauty and the Beast 2017

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Hoot hoot to all and I enjoyed painting this owl & who ever purchase it will hopefully love it too. It makes a and gift for your It is ! Buy at https://t.co/yjGTqjdIWr thanks Sophie Huddlestone

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It's so here is today's question:

What scene in a horror movie had the most memorable effect on you?

I have a few - but the one that will always stand out to me is this one from The Thing - The Head Spider.

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We must learn to let go, & surrender to the flow of those forces greater than ourselves.

I mean me. Surrender to me.

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Some say "I've seen enough to know where this is going," to which I say... Is there ever really enough hentai?

Think about it ;) 💜🐙💦

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