Appearently no one made a fossil Pokémon based on the newly discovered thylacocephalan sussocaris found in Sussex which used its claws to dig up worms

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Thylacocephala Sussucaris paleoart doodle.

a recently discovered Thylacochalan from Sussex England.

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two fishes and one thylacocephalan from the Moroccan Thylacocephalan Layer.

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An odd and mysterious animal known from specimens as long as 24 cm, recent studies believe it to be a thylacocephalan crustacean

ALT: Earlier studies where possibly looking at it upside down, and believed it to be a chordate that convergently evolved a compound eye

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Cladoselache is great and all, but thylacocephalans are seriously wild. An extinct class of predatory arthropods w/ enormous eyes, known from Ordovician to Cretaceous. Here's amazing material of the Jurassic Dollocaris, w/ reconstruction by Andrey Atuchin

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Odd even for a thylacocephalan, this 5 centimeter creature has larger eyes and appendages than those usually seen in other members of its family

ALT: even with the large shell its likely that they swam using small swimming legs or pleopods under its shell

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