Coronavirus Update:
•7,590,218 Infected
•214,065 Americans dead

tRUMP has NO action plan to stop spread of the virus!
•NO National
-mask mandate
-social distancing
-testing strategy
-contact tracing

41 284

So ... what does that make 200,000+
Oh ... right:
What will it be when 400,000 US deaths due to are totaled by end of year?


0 1


“Secret CIA" info confirms Trump is 👉suffering from an

advanced case of Assholitis of the Puppet variety.

😷 please stay good & safe & healthy

22 37

While a lot of attention will be devoted to and replacement for important to remember that nearly 200,000 Americans have lost their lives to-date due to and that number is rising


0 3

Duecentomila americani morti di 💀
Trump: "Come ha potuto Joe Biden permettere che succedesse questo?"

3 4

•6,788,147 Infected
•200,197 Americans dead

tRUMP has NO action plan to stop spread of the virus!
•NO National
-mask mandate
-social distancing mandate
-testing strategy
-contact tracing

2 11

Trump’s nighttime monologue - a tragedy in multiple acts

159 297

Trump a : "Volevo minimizzarlo. Voglio ancora minimizzarlo."
Portavoce della Casa Bianca: "Il Presidente non ha MAI minimizzato il ..."

3 3

as we all wrestle with the latest affronts to decency and humanity care of Hair Führer, always good to reflect on Hillary's emails.

2 7

“Badge of Honor”??!!😡😡😡


sorry I had to draw this...but here we are

12 29

"La buona notizia è: l'America è PRIMA!"
USA epicentro del

7 6