恐竜イニシャルUは 。三畳紀の原始的な竜脚形類。これらは「原竜脚類」「古竜脚類」ともよばれるが、おお型の竜脚類の直接の祖先ではないそですね。ジュラ紀前期にぜつめつをしています。

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Good evening everyone! Tonight’s Dino of the day is Unaysaurus! Unaysaurus was a basal sauropodomorph that lived during the Triassic period. It was found in Brazil 🇧🇷. It grew to around 8.5 ft long. See you explorers tomorrow!🤠
Credit: Michael B.H.

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Dinoscember: Day 23, Unaysaurus!

Idk if this is actually what it looked like but I saw someone draw one like this and it looked coole

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