Arnold Houbraken (28 March.1660–14 October,1719) was a Dutch painter Commemoration of King Mausolusby Queen Artemisia

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I was in the mood to draw Usopp and Luffy again. In Chibi style 😊 Hope you like it 💖🏴‍☠️

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Dude what the ass is wrong witchu ya piece of squid piss you abusolueb piece of bitch grgrggrrg drama a drama proving them right
Proving them wrong what the dog

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Furini was in Italian baroque painted who was kind of obsessed with Artemisia drinking Mausolus ashes.
In 1633 he became a priest, maybe for having painted too many naked women, and on his deathbed he requested all his nudes to be destroyed. It would have been quite the effort.

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Not all entities of the Void want benefits for their dimensional neighbors. The young spirit begins its journey under the guidance of a monster. Obscurio & Mausolus

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Houbraken Arnold.Commemoration of King Mausolus by Queen Artemisia

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Francesco Furini.
Artemisia se prepara para beber las cenizas de su hermano y marido Mausolus, 1630. Galería de arte de la Universidad de Yale.

Pasó a la historia como ejemplo de viuda de extrema fidelidad, bebiendo las cenizas de su hermano y marido. Murió en 350 a.C.

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Saurusolus, Agent of Dinosaurs.

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"There are people who'll darken your skies, who'll steal your joy, who'll sit on your shoulders to stop you flying free."
Real Life
Adeline Dieudonné
"Artemisia Prepares to Drink the Ashes of her Husband, Mausolus" by Francesco Furini

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Artemisia* Prepares to Drink the Ashes of her Husband, Mausolus

17th century, Florentine School

Yale University Art Gallery (New Haven, Conn.)

attributed to Francesco Furini, also to Felice Ficherelli, too Cesare Dandini (mmm...)

* Artemisia II of Caria (died 350 BC)

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I cant believe it took 's UsoLu spamming to realize tuat I have a new ship I enjoy...

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【割引中 2019年09月01日まで】Abusolute~先生の手の中~ 卒業式の後に編

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