Musical calligraphy at Windhill community centre today with and DJ Mistry ‘Here’s the world with black space around it’ -7yr old Daniel on one of his numerous large drawings

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Windhill Manor was home to the Sooty Museum in the 1990s. was created in 1948 by puppeteer Harry Corbett, Harry Ramsden’s nephew. A commemorative stamp was issued 1996.

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The 1st in England was built in in 1904. 3yrs later the Windhill library opened & had a tea room & lecture hall. Closed in 1985, it has been privately owned & neglected since 2006.

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1908 formed the 1st Scouts Group in England. The same year as the 1st (Windhill) group met and later the 3rd at St Peter’s & the 5th at URC.

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Jack & The Beanstalk at Windhill Cinderella & Humpty Dumpty in Victoria Hall,

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Long gone in The area had an community & was known as "Paddy's Park". Tidying up after

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