

Anthony, 23, I used to make Blender/Unity Renders or related content. Enjoy.

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:128

Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker (Chō Furu Pawā Saiya-jin Fō Genkai Toppa)

SS4 Xeno Vegito by
Shader by

17 102

Super Saiyan Blue Evolved (超サイヤ人ブルー進化, Sūpā Saiya-jin Burū Shinka)

Shader by
Aura Inspired by ❤️

105 516

Trunks. Shining Sword Attack (シャイニングソードアタック Shainingu Sōdo Atakku).

5 12

Destroy This.

In honour of the new Vegeta Blue Evolution Legends Unit.

with the Model.

8 46

The Duo.

Felt like making this one when scrolling through my dokkan box. Enjoy.

Goku Model 🔥

52 400

Clash of Titans.

Have not seen anyone do this piece yet, so here it is.

14 48

The Final Stand.

Bit late but here he is.

with the Gohan model. 🔥

12 151