Beira Atlánticaさんのプロフィール画像

Beira Atlánticaさんのイラストまとめ

Comunidade imaxinada. Caderno de bitácora dunha singradura de Fisterra a Cinn Tìre 🌅 #historia, #mitos, #música, #folklore... ▶️ Unrepentant Hibernophile.

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A "veuze", gaita de fole típica de País de Nantes / Naonedd (#Bretanha). A irmá xémea da gaita galega. Algún día teremos de falar dela devagar.

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O principal valedor desta comunidade na Galiza era o gobernador do reino, o Duque de Caracena, quen tentou garantir a manutención económica destes exilados, moitas veces a custo das arcas das principais cidades galegas...

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Pero, para alén de magnatas, á nosa terra chegaron tamén centos de soldados, pobres, mulleres, nenos... Ao que parece, o triángulo Santiago-Betanzos-A Corunha tornouse practicamente naqueles anos nun acampamento de refuxiados irlandeses.

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In many places in (ruins of ancient forts, magic fountains...), and especially on dates such Saint John's Eve, a hen appears with seven golden chicks. They are thought to be a mythological reflection of the Pleiades.

Artwork by .

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In the hillfort of the Muro da Cidade de Medeiros, a warrior married a "moura". After giving its inhabitants the vine plant as a gift, she moved with her husband to Quinta do Peru, giving rise to a rich family.

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Sortudo, que bos libros tinhades! Eu ando a elaborar agora unha pequena unidade didáctica para os raparigos baseada na lenda dos Marinhos de Lobeira. Con avatares e todo! 😅

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After rejecting a Roman centurion, Santa Mariña was beheaded.Her head bounced 3 times on the ground, giving rise to 2 lagoons and 1 fountain, which eventually flooded her hometown, Trentinán in today, you can hear the sound of bells under the water!

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The "herba de namorar" ( = herb of love), or Armeria maritima, that grows on the cliffs of Santo André de Teixido (#Galicia), must be picked up and put into the bag of the person you are in love with. That way, she / he will fall in love with you too!

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"O día que nós emitamos papel-moeda non estamparemos nel o retrato dos políticos, nin dos sabios, nin dos artistas; estamparíamos somentes, a figura dunha vaca, como símbolo da nosa economía humanamente distribuida" (#Castelao)

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Cita de Ciaran Scea no seu traballo "From Munster to La Coruña across the Celtic Sea: emigration, assimilation and acculturation in the kingdom of Galicia (1601-40)" 📝📝 A historia completa, en

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