

Hack video essayist, quasi artist, doubtful actor, tired as hell. patreon.com/BMask Ko-fi.com/b_mask

フォロー数:626 フォロワー数:4203

It's why Jen has been part of more teams for longer. She's a Hulk but with none of the personality hang ups or dangers the Avengers have always worried about with Banner.

Makes for a much more interesting dynamic when she's forced to be the mediator between him and them.

0 5

I love the silver centurion, and I know Favreau has said he did too. Hell we even got some form of it adapted twice!

0 6

How cool that we went from Ditko to Romita? Even Sam Raimi would have wanted to do that!

22 621

The MCU costume discourse is kind of wild. It's certainly been an up and down process through the history of comic book movies, but I don't think anybody remembers how mind blowing it was to see an almost completely un-compromised modern iron man on screen

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I think they've always been like 'oh Zod is easy because he's evil superman' when the secret is they're ALL evil superman. Even Toyman and Prankster, these are all guys who want what he has for the wrong reasons, or Mxy who's Superman+ in the body of a gremlin

5 62

Glad to hear they're looking to revitalise Superman, there's still so much that can be done with that character and we've barely even scratched the surface with his supporting cast. I mean it's been like 10 movies and nary a PEEP from these clowns

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Oh and here's a bonus Flea-Mask

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I ran out of ideas okay

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