

MH Researcher (Retiring soon. Going to stick around longer).
Member of @CapcomUSA_ Creator Program and @hobbylink Affiliate Program.

pfp by @MOHAMMEDFI10.

フォロー数:1277 フォロワー数:52240

While Tetranadon usually waits by the water's edge to ambush prey, it'll sometimes hunt on land to capture land-based creatures. It's capable of traveling great distances on land with the help of the moss and algae that have grown on its body.

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Tetranadon's favorite prey are creatures known as Goocumbers (ウリナマコ). These sea cucumbers can be found living under the rocks and soil of Tetranadon's watery environment, and Tetranadon will often dig around its territory to find them.

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Long before it was known, the locals thought that Tetranadon was some kind of green child-like creature that enjoyed playing by the water's edge. This so-called "green child" apparently liked sumo wrestling.


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Its fangs are popular with occult fans and sold on the black market as cursed items. Some of those fangs are used in certain rituals. Despite being tasty, the rib bones of Khezu are a cursed food that no one should ever eat.

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Various large monsters (Tetranadon, Jyuratodus, Somnacanth, Almudron) are known to hunt in water like Royal Ludroth, but not many turf wars occur between these monsters. Each one of them prefers a certain type of watery environment.

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Their vivid-colored scales warn predators that they are poisonous. Individuals with thick scales have lived a long life. Their hide can be used to make some really nice orange leather as well as musical instruments.

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The monsters from Rise I'll be posting about this week.

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Aknosom Armor can only be produced in Kamura Village, and this set is sought after in other distant lands.

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The bright colors on its body, particularly on its crest and wings, are meant to be a warning. If the warning fails, Aknosom will aggressively attack whatever has threatened it.

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