

Very slowly making my own fighting game. Main account is @Triplicate94.

フォロー数:24 フォロワー数:58

Guess this girl's going to be wearing expensive shoes too, thanks to 's passionate suggestion

3 9

She's slowly coming together. I'm taking a really long time on her; partly because I'm coming up with the design kinda on the fly, but I'm liking how she's turning out. I'm quite proud of the hands and face

3 10

I wanted to at least get all of the outfit blobbed out but I got distracted doing her face and the frilly parts on the maid gear... She's eventually going to be a kung fu wa maid who has a prosthetic left knee that's also a pile bunker. Yes.

5 11

Tsuyuri crouch rescaling before/after. Background squares are the same pixel dimensions (8x8) for both. I've also added an intermediate skin tone that goes between the lit and shadowed parts to add more of a rounded look (caved to the UNI sprite aesthetic)

2 8

My girl's been SCALED UP
Before and after

4 8

Height comparison between Tsuyuri and Shun

4 13

Meet Shun. She cries a lot and the concept is that she'll zone using gigantic bugs as normals; if you whiff punish the bugs they die for a bit and she's locked out of moves that use that bug

4 15

Some more work put into the design. Her name is Shun for now

1 14

The pinky out was on a whim and turned out kinda nice. She's gonna bounce the kama against her thigh while idling I think

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I think this is how I'm going to go with for what her arms will be doing while standing idle. She'll swing her right arm (holding the kama) back and forth like a pendulum while swaying her hips

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