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@kakitutei The Heian period in Japan is my favorite. It is the most beautiful, elegant and romantic era in the world. Thank you for providing so many beautiful and precious materials. Thank you ! I love these set of books, And I bought it.
@tono_mikado Sir,And I mean Japanese horses 日本の在来馬 are good at moving in the mountains, so if the Westerners succeed, the samurai and their horses will succeed more easily !😀👍🌈
日本の在来馬👍They say that Japanese horses originated from Mongolian horses.. In fact, their body shape and size are very similar.These horses have excellent agility and endurance. These run smoothly and are perfect for horse riding and archery !
P1. P2.1890s P3.1930s P4.1895年
@kaorimaru111 The Heian period is my favorite, then the南北朝/吉野朝/室町初 , and then the 戦国、安土、桃山. And I also love the history and armor of the samurai of the 南北朝/吉野朝/室町初 ! Let us love the 後醍醐天皇陛下、大塔宮、大楠公、足利将軍、新田义贞公、太平記and南北朝/吉野朝/室町初!😀
@kaorimaru111 Thanks ,My pleasure, and I am also like these great japanese artist so much ! ✌️😀👍 P1 . 柳 柊二さん:雪女 P2. 石原豪人さん:雪女 P3. 玉井德太郎さん:若武者 P4. 玉井德太郎さん:美人画 岩下志麻 美人女優
@kotofanatic HA HA ! 国宝 浅葱綾威鎧 I LOVE IT TO ! I LOVE this 长锹形と勇壮の笠𩊱 笠錣 笠しころ!AND I think this is 鎌倉時代の鎧兜 in 1274 文永の役 1281弘安の役 蒙古元寇襲来 鎌倉武士の勇壮の鎧着用勇姿!
@mlydeiG6bddoYEN 小堀鞆音氏 He is ann great Japanese artist and I love his 武者絵art and his 厳島神社の小桜威大鎧 so Very much !