

I love life I love art I love ANDREA !
huge fan of SAMURAI and I research samurai armor 武者絵と美人画 armour art
I am A artist romanticist and idealista 🌈🐎⛈️

フォロー数:425 フォロワー数:520

I totally agree ! The victory came from the bravery and strength of the samurai,so the 元寇army could not log in smoothly,and then the元寇army encountered a typhoon at sea.Because I love the Song Dynasty宋国so much(so I hate the 元寇)Heroic Samurai鐮倉男兒 protects Japan!

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Miss Parker/Andrea Parker🌈My heroine——The most beautiful Brave and strong🌈🐎

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This is a very cute painting, Inspired by Andrea in the pretender 1.4 ,So I hope you like my work, haha! # andrea parker#Miss Parker#pretender😀

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"I'm Spartacus ! "Yes! You are, you are Spartacus forever !✊

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P1川端龍子「武将拝朝図」鎌倉時代の鎧P2守屋多々志 八幡太郎義家 平安時代の鎧P3守屋多々志《 頼朝 治承の旗揚げ》平安時代の鎧 前田青邨《応永の武者》1947年岐阜県美術館蔵 南北朝と室町初の鎧 I LOVE日本の武者絵と鎧兜の美 so much!😃#鎧兜#大和絵#武者絵#

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ANDREA PARKER Andrea Parker,My most beautiful heroine ! You are the most powerful !You are invincible ! Yes You Are ! ANDREA PARKER HEROINE SAMURAI 😃💪✌️

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I Love O‘Yoroi ! Japanese O‘Yoroi is my favorite 甲胄と鎧兜 ! And 鎧武者Also one of my favorite painting creation themes!😀 These are my collections

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(Ō-yoroi)These are the most beautiful helmets and armor about SAMURAI(Some photos from Mr.市村弘 Mr.加藤剛 《風と雲と虹と 》1976)Ō-yoroi are colorful and beautiful spectacular !used around the 10th to 14th centuries.They are my favorite armors!鎧兜

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Happy Birthday Andrea ! You Are The Best And You'r The Top !《白虎將軍》《General White Tiger》
In the myth of China, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu is the four great god beasts, among which the white tiger is the god of the West. 🎂🌈🐎

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Colored design Beautiful Russian female officer Andrea Parker in WWII !

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