BoJustBo (commissions open)さんのプロフィール画像

BoJustBo (commissions open)さんのイラストまとめ

Swedish artist and writer, makes comicbooks and pixelart among other things.

フォロー数:2732 フォロワー数:6626

I've been a bit quiet on the front lately and here's the reason why: Hyper Violent, an upcoming game sure to appeal to fans of the games and I've worked on games before but this is by far the most graphically ambitious one.

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Some gay as shite commission I did a few days ago. Although come to think of it, it's far from the first time I draw an overly buff demon dude =P

5 14

Here's the stage dive again, but by request (not a popular request but still,) now I've lessened the fun in it by 50% =P

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for 128x128 pixels, 18 colors
I have a friend who has asked me to draw a koala as a cop for several years now and I guess this was as good an opportunity as any.

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My streak of Doom pixelart every day continues into its sixth day in tribute to the greatest gaming franchise ever made by

And yes, he is killing a baron with the pistol, fight me.

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I had a try at porting this picture into the original doom palette and parts of it I actually feel were improved by the transition. I also fixed a few tiny errors.

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