

Goblin headlines brought to you by ace reporter Bugbat Jones. Action, intrigue and generally gross antics. Goblinous roleplay, the sulfurous smell of fun.

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We get together donations for sad Humans so they have good stuff to eat like us. Old fish, weird shaped melty cheeses and a big ol spider. We had more frogs but they all hopped out of the bag.

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Rare double murder found in hallway, two duelin Goblins done each other in. Wow! No one really know why they done it, but it not really matter now. This reporter predict extra thick stew tomorrow!

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Reports of cave in at mine turn out to just be big ol Rock Man walkin around. He seem pretty nice so we been taking turns climbin on him. I think he stepped on Goblin at some point but it well funny so he can stay in mine if he want.

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Hey guys! Me finally back from friendly Goblin tribe in jungle! What I miss? My pack all full of weird stuff I collect, and I excited to report on new Cave stories. Cave news. All things I miss going on in Cave. No more lousy, too bright outside.

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Food donations bein sorted by "volunteers" for annual no hungry Goblins drive. People, please stop putting boogers in donation bins. Booger drive am next week, an only some Goblin want big green dollop on they roast cave bat. Happy holidays!

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Gettin back to coverin cave stories next week, been a real hungry holiday lad lately. What you surface folks want to see? Goblins eatin a weird thing? Visitors from other cave? Maybe cover Spider War, that been goin on but it too scary to go near. Let us know!

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Lousy humans next door attack an nearly kill SonyaSupposedly an a donkey. We gonna go out an teach em a lesson at their house.

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The wolves were delicous, to celebrate Truly Relaxed make not one but two scultpures of Tsarin Vanya making very nice cape.

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No not trust the dream toilet, it is a brain trap.

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Rhilnax come to Scream Pits for tour. Crazy spooky winds an sounds come up from Deep Caves, sometimes you can swear you hearin words. Creepy! Rhilnax not like as much as Bug Buffet we go to after, that well yummy. Beetle stuffed with wasp larvae, what not to like?

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