

Confessions of a Commodore Kid

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My Favourite Games of 1986 – No.20


Another brilliantly original and innovative game, Bounder took the platform game format and turned it on its head – quite literally. With nice graphics, funky tunes and super addictive gameplay, Bounder is challenging but loads of fun.

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My Favourite Games of 1986 – No.24


Yes, it’s a straight port from the Speccy original, but that doesn't stop it from being an excellent game. A combination of stealth, arcade adventure & beat ‘em up, Saboteur is jam-full of tension, atmosphere & excitement. Superb.

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My Favourite Games of 1986 – No.25

BMX Simulator

Like most 80s kids, I ❤️computer games & BMXs (I had a Raleigh Burner if you want to know!) so I loved this. A sort of Super Sprint on bikes, it’s loads of fun - esp. when played with a mate - and at £1.99 it was incredible VFM.

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My Favourite Games of 1985 – No.5

Winter Games

Epyx topped the podium with this awesome game. The presentation is fantastic, the graphics are stunning (especially the beautiful biathlon), and all 7 events are immediately playable yet challenging enough to keep you coming back.

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My Favourite Games of 1985 No.17

Robin o’ the Wood

With its slick presentation, gorgeous graphics & fab tunes, Robin o’ the Wood hooked me instantly. Super playable & with a marvellous medieval atmosphere, it’s an excellent arcade adventure that keeps you coming back for more.

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My Favourite Games of 1985 – No.18


Commando could’ve been one of the C64’s greats, but it falls just short. It’s a very good game – nice graphics, amazing tunes & great gameplay - but a few bugs & having only 3 levels let it down. Still, a fun little shoot 'em down.

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My Favourite Games of 1985 – No.19


This classic space trading game is relatively low on my list as I just didn’t play it much BITD. Of course, the Beeb original is amazing, but on the 64 it’s a bit slow & flickery & at age 11, I was just too young to fully appreciate it.

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My Favourite Games of 1985 – No.23


Mastertronic’s first ZZAP! Sizzler is a cracker, and although it's tough at first, once you master it, it’s superb fun. It's especially good in 2 player mode: racing neck & neck with a mate then pipping them to the post is brilliant!

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My favourite games of 1984 – No.1

Impossible Mission

Playing Impossible Mission for the first time changed everything. It rocked me to my foundations and from then on, all my spare time was spent either playing computer games, reading about computer games or hanging ... (1/3).

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My favourite games of 1984 – No.7


Decathlon is yet another early Activision banger. Big, beautifully animated sprites, masses of playability (especially with your mates) & one of the most punishing experiences in gaming history – the 1500M. Absolutely magnificent.

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