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The Claremont Runさんのイラストまとめ

The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

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# xmen

Prior to this issue, Kitty’s infatuation with Piotr had been long established, while their trajectory towards an actual relationship had been clearly established in “Days of Future Past,” where they are depicted in a loving marriage in the future. 2/10

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In UXM Claremont finally defines the parameters of the Kitty/Piotr relationship, establishing both the nature of their shared attraction as well as, importantly, the boundaries that limit the pair’s capacity to act on said attraction. 1/10

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The original allegory of X-Men can be seen to conform to the concept of the “model minority” in abstract ways. Despite being definitive of the franchise, however, Claremont only rarely employed this foundational allegory, instead favouring a more fluid moral imperative. 1/9

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In true Claremontian style, Peter’s conflicted understanding of his new family represents a hint of melancholy to contrast Ororo’s sense of contentment. To his credit, Claremont leaves the scene here, not trying to resolve the conflict, but letting it linger instead. 7/8

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All told, the second dream builds on the first to essentialize what it is that Logan fights for, the manner by which he is capable of fighting, and the eternal contradiction between means/ends and animal/man that defines the character’s moral paradox. 14/14

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He is tortured by his inner-berserker, but also sustained by it in important ways. It is not simply his dark-side – the relationship between gentle ideals and the empowerment of primal violence is far more nuanced within this character. 12/14

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How he does so is of equal importance. “Only the berserker in my soul can save me now.” By letting the demon out of the bottle, so to speak, as a horrified Jubilee looks on, he frees himself. In this, Logan again demonstrates the fundamental duality that defines him. 11/14

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There’s a bit of self-awareness in this question when we note the extent to which Logan’s nobler ambitions often intersect with feminine characters, a consistent character element that makes a lot of sense given the patriarchal associations of primal violence with masculinity7/14

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In this, we get an interesting example of Claremont taking Byrne’s Phoenix retcon (which C opposed) and making a compelling character beat out of it by integrating the consequences of that retcon into Logan’s character development. 5/14

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Finally, we have to note the religious significance of the imagery. Logan is crucified on an X – Xavier’s dream is thus his cross to bear. He is a tired and violent man who sojourns forward because of his belief in X’s vision (one reason the cover is so iconic). 12/14

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