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The Claremont Runさんのイラストまとめ

The Claremont Run is a SSHRC-funded academic initiative micro-publishing data-based analysis of Chris Claremont's 16 year run on Uncanny X-Men and spinoffs.

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:16921
# xmen

“They had a falling out. And so John Byrne goes on to do Alpha Flight and other things. Chris gets other artists and marches on with X-Men. In the various other books he was doing, FF, Alpha Flight, whatever, John would do these stories:” 2/6

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The series would shift directions again after Smith’s departure, but never wholly abandon the soap opera component, nor fail to trade on the gains of character development produced in this era. 7/7

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We see Cyclops seeking out and achieving resolution in his relationship with Lee Forester. From there, Cyclops meets Madelyne and pursues a relationship with her based in honesty and transparency about both his past relationship with Jean, and his mutant powers. 3/7

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Themes of relationship politics work their way into both the A-story and the various B-stories explored throughout this span of issues, all of which leads us to the next arc, which is (appropriately) the wedding of Logan & Mariko. 2/7

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Nightcrawler who worries that he’s destined to be a demon; Illyana the same; Havok, destined to become explosive; Sunspot, destined to become a villain; Psylocke destined to lose touch with her humanity; Colossus destined to lose his values and the list goes on. 3/5

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One of the more common character tropes that Claremont uses is the idea of the being who is fighting their own dark destiny, and – more often than not – losing. 1/5

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She even shooshes him in a condescending manner (“hush”) and tells him to (very politely) shut up and kiss her. In all of this, the scene makes it abundantly clear that Jean is in control; Jean has the power in this situation. 8/9

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Jean demolishes this exclusion as soon as they start talking about her – interrupting Scott and dismissing Warren, whilst declaring her own agenda in conflict with theirs. It’s at once a subtle action and an aggressive power move. 4/9

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Jean subverts two power dynamics with Scott by challenging his role as both leader and as controlling figure in their relationship (as defined by existing gender roles). 2/9

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