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It just came to my attention that the cover for Monstress is a Star Wars thing.

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Flex Mentallo So good. An honest exploration of the evolution of superhero comics and of the way one experiences the hobby through life — for better or worse. It’s silly superhero metafiction, but Morrison touches it with so much of his own truth. Stellar issue.

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This is one of those Morrison concepts that is essentially a whole comic within another comic.

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Finally, last piece from today was Ariel Baska's excellent review of Black [AF]: America's Sweetheart.

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Also for the night crowd, today's reviews:

Sleeping Beauties

That Texas Blood

Wicked Things

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Oh hey, not even off the first tier of the story yet, and I just solved this whole fireworks thing.

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I know this issue is a parody and all but hey — I’ve seen worse cartooning.

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Oh, I really love this as a way to bring this entire run full circle and also give us a final finale arc to wind things down.

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Doom Patrol This is a great start toward the endgame of this entire run, one that has me excited to see where things up. Like I said yesterday, it’s corporate superhero comics, so there is a good guys win coming, but the way it’s done makes that easy to forget.

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Finally, this sequence of panels is so good. It’s the close up on Cliff’s eyes with the word balloon that really seals it for me.

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