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@sandyjimenez @DeevElliott @thinbloodeddino @DCinthe1980s @RafaelKayanan @SteveChung1968 @skeezix161 @matthwbox @buse_chris @comickult @GregRozeboom you can feel the rage, the danger...!
@DeevElliott @thinbloodeddino @DCinthe1980s @RafaelKayanan @SteveChung1968 @skeezix161 @matthwbox @buse_chris @comickult @GregRozeboom for sure, and those 10 or so issues that followed, where mindless hulk wandered the crossroads, the puffball collective...were the strangest marvel comics i'd ever read!
@skeezix161 @thinbloodeddino @Lord_Azoth @DCinthe1980s @matthwbox @SteveChung1968 @realmarkrez @BiLLYd_licious @DeevElliott @buse_chris @CanadaDaredevil @BillyHynes @ComicDissection if you haven't already, buy THIS, everybody. full of sweet shots like that.
@thinbloodeddino @DCinthe1980s @RafaelKayanan @SteveChung1968 @skeezix161 @matthwbox @DeevElliott @buse_chris @comickult @GregRozeboom i remember him inking sal on the hulk.
Joe Kubert IS Hawkman. Joe made him look like a frightening alien visitor, which is how it SHOULD be.
@CanadaDaredevil @bloodofkirby @sootygrunter79 @TDenton_1138 @JRocBX718 @buse_chris @ManFirestorm @Lord_Azoth @DeevElliott @TrashCanDanpt3 that's the dick sprang batmobile