Dr. Stone Trivia 📚さんのプロフィール画像

Dr. Stone Trivia 📚さんのイラストまとめ

Facts, trivia and observations from #DrStone 📚 Contains heavy spoilers 📚 Disclaimer: I may get facts wrong sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't be afraid to correct me!

フォロー数:7 フォロワー数:1413

Ukyo must have taught Chrome to use a bow and arrow at some point, possibly during the Age of Exploration?

That, or Chrome is just pretending to know how to use it.

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Calculation time! How heavy is the rock Taiju lifts?

First let's approximate the size: the flat base looks like it has a similar diameter to the length of his knee to the ground. We know Taiju's height is 189 cm, and that length is ~1/3 of his height, giving us 63 cm.

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Senku's holding a jet engine turbine here, and both of them are missing the equation on their capes!

Suika is dressed closer to Senku than usual, as they have matching wristbands and her hair turns green towards the "leaf" end.

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Since the biofuel is a gas, it needs to be converted to a liquid for transportation and use in engines. This is what the Fischer–Tropsch process is for.

The process itself involves fixing the hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio, then applying heat and pressure to get liquid fuel.

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The simplicity of the lower half of the mecha shown here along with the briefs reminds me of Astro Boy. The top half I believe is just the "DR" from Dr. Stone along with rocket-ship-inspired arms and Senku's face.

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This boat is definitely made by the villagers, likely by Kaseki himself, due to the design. He /was/ the one to make all the boats for them, after all.

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With Senku's crude sextant, he just lines the sights up with the sun and reads the angle that way. A proper sextant has mirrors, so you adjust the angle until the horizon and sun are aligned in the view piece.

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So I don't think either flower is an exact species, but I do have some guesses along with why I don't think they're real.

This is them as colored in the anime, you can see the white ones are small and dense and the red/orange ones are large. There seems to be 2 types of foliage-

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The detail of the art in early chapters is incredible. You can see Taiju's beard is starting to grow out by the furry outer edge along his jaw.

I wonder if it feels prickly or soft...

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I thought Suika's melon was replaced with something else because of the ridges present, but it looks like it's still the same melon we know and love.

Also, the red ribbon in the village rope is visible! Remember this for later.

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