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My 6yo + I finished ch.8 + started ch.9 of The #Hobbit tonight. Thorin + co are now in the dungeons of the elf-king with full tummies at least! I guess that serves them right for disturbing the elvish feasting in Mirkwood? 🤔
Art by Ulla Thynell + J.R.R. #Tolkien
My 6yo + I are at ch.8 of The #Hobbit. Just read Bilbo + the Dwarves surviving the Mirkwood spiders! There was squealing during the more menacing 🕷attacks, but he also found Bilbo’s spider-mocking songs funny!
Art by Rodney Matthews + @AlanLee11225760
@TolkienSociety #Tolkien
My 6yo + I resumed our #Hobbit #bedtimereading: as we entered Mirkwood, he got under the blankets when I read about the luminous eyes looking at Bilbo at night! But he liked the butterflies! Spiders coming up tomorrow... 🦋🕷
Are by @norloth + @TedNasmith
@TolkienSociety #Tolkien
Tonight my 6yo and I met Beorn! He admired Gandalf’s cleverness, tricking Beorn into accepting the Dwarves. He also wondered about Radagast and loved the idea of Beorn’s serving animals! 🐴 🐶 🐑
Art by Michael Hague and Capucine Mazille
@TolkienSociety #Hobbit #Tolkien #reading
My 6yo and I just met Gollum + played the riddle game in #Hobbit, ch. 5! His favourite was the sun + daisy riddle, but he guessed right the dark. He thought that Gollum must look like a frog, green + slimy! (So a bit like the Rankin/Bass Gollum! The other is by @AlanLee11225760)
This is all @TolkienSociety’s fault, but humour me! Who wins the #Caturday battle of the fantasy #cat queens?
A) Queen Berúthiel of Gondor
B) Countess Gertrude of Gormenghast
(Art by steamy: https://t.co/VvBk8ldNS6
marmaduke: https://t.co/58A8QbNjKL)
@UofGFantasy @FanLit
My 6yo and I finished chapter 4 of The #Hobbit tonight - what a cliffhanger!
He was equally scared and excited about the goblins, and found the elven swords’ ability to glow blue when goblins are near very clever indeed!
Art by @AlanLee11225760 and Justin Gerard
6. Victorian #Fairy Painting, ed. by Jeremy Maas - lavishly illustrated and with indispensable articles on fairy writing, fairy music, fairies on the stage, etc.
@FolkloreThurs #FolkloreThursday
“But it is not your own Shire,” said Gildor. “Others dwelt here before hobbits were; and others will dwell here again when hobbits are no more. The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.”
#LordOfTheRings - #Brexit perils
7. The Magic Servants
That’s ATU 513A, “The Extraordinary Companions”, exemplified here by the Grimms’ “The Six Servants” (but only 5 make it into this comic book)
Full text: https://t.co/8zwWPChomM
Full comic book: https://t.co/YbQCrhe1kO
@FolkloreThurs #FolkloreThursday