J. J. Egosiさんのプロフィール画像

J. J. Egosiさんのイラストまとめ

Author of the Demonheart series. Ghostwriter semi extraordinaire.

フォロー数:20630 フォロワー数:21942

Pugot- Philippine

A mythical fiend that dwells in the trees. They can shapeshift in various animals and even humans. But, they usually assume the form of a headless beast with jowls at the neck.

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Stories tell of a man that walks by day and flies like an owl by night. He dwells in the twisting gears of his castle fortress. Watching us mortals from above. With widened eyes and a hoot that echoes through the emerald mist.

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While the 4 emperors and the elf queen fight over the hourglass, several days pass and the time warlock grows restless. And descends from its cosmic plane and onto the battlefield. To get the job done, itself.

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At last, the queen of dark elves has arrived. Marcelene. On the back of her torsqua hound. Ready to defend the hourglass from the four emperors of Necromorgia. But, will she win? Or will her sands of time run out?

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Gandaberunda- Hindu

A 2 headed bird with immense power. Capable of lifting elephants with his talons. He is believed to fight the forces of destruction with his magic abilities. And is celebrated as an emblem of strength in Hindu culture today.

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The 4 emperors of Necromorgia have arrived to reclaim the time worlock’s hourglass from the dark elves. When their queen arrives to put a halt to their ways. Saying she’s simply taking what was hers all along. Who do you suppose will take the hourglass in the end?

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In the deepest swamps of Glarshimek, airborn cephalopods known as Narluskas gather at the eve of every 7th moon. To offer their queen their findings of translucent doldamite. Hoping to elope with her majesty in exchange for the greatest offering.

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The fastachee, also known as the little giver, of Native American is a form of spirit. Usually appearing as a dwarf, they would appear to people and present them with a gift of corn, for which they would be honored or revered in return.

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At last, you've found your way off the mysterious planet where the fungus grows in all shapes. You gaze upon it for the last time. With both wonder and sadness, as you're going to miss such an elusive dreamscape. Where will your journey take you next?

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