

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

フォロー数:373 フォロワー数:1278

This is turning into a lovely horror story. (Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow

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Bigger ego, Doom’s or the actual living planet? (Guardians of the Galaxy

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Super neck muscles! (Heroes Reborn

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All for Storm spotlight issues. Excited for what they’re building for her. (Marauders

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… as one does. (America Chavez: Made in the USA

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I’m really enjoying how fun and organic (see what I did there) these inter-connected one-shots have been. (The Amazing Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing

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Never! 🏊🏽‍♂️ (Cable

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Can I get a penalty flag for taunting? https://t.co/GLyNa9EJaF

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Psychic chainsaw. Neat! (X-Force

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Every Alien movie (and now book) is basically “retrieve that thing we’ve never been able to retrieve and avoid the catastrophic ending every other mission has had...” I’d be annoyed if that wasn’t how things would actually go. (Alien

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