

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:1284

Ah. Still doing King in Black tie-ins. (SWORD

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Cue up Paul Young’s “Every time you go away.” (Justice League

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Truly being a “normal person” living in a comic book would would be a nightmare fraught with trauma and anxiety. This series has been good, this issue especially so. (Eternals

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Well... I suppose that moniker isn’t being used right now. (Hellions

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Fun, fairy-tale style reimagining. (Demon Days: X-Men

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It’s not quite the same without the dude who’s half tank. (Marauders

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I appreciate where your head’s at.

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Hard to pluck a fun image from an exposition heavy issue. (Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon

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Eternals is strange. (Eternals

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Quentin Quire was a character that showed up during one of my lapses in reading and I generally never got the appeal. I’m still not sure if I do. (X-Force

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