

Professional wrestler trained by the late Buddy Wayne. From Kokomo, Ind. based out of Seattle, Wash. Lead trainer at @BWProAcademy since 2017.

フォロー数:370 フォロワー数:1278

Normally this book wouldn’t be my kind of thing but these shorts are all really top notch. (Carnage: Black, White, & Blood

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What if Spider-Man never gave up the symbiote suit? From this creative team? Ok. I’m in. (Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow

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It’s always only a matter of time until Bullseye shows up in a Daredevil comics... (Daredevil

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Lucha monster truck!?! (Non-Stop Spider-Man

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Wait, what? (Iron Fist: Heart of the Dragon

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I cannot reiterate enough times how indifferent I am to heroes being mind-controlled, possessed, turned evil, etc. So glad King in Black (and all its tie-ins) is now hopefully done. (Fantastic Four

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I’m into it. (The Swamp Thing

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It’s a weird thing to say but I’m looking forward to this being “over” so I can read it all in one sitting. (Strange Adventures

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I didn’t care for the last Man-Thing mini-series, but this latest is off to a solid start. (Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing)

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Ah. Right. OF COURSE it would start with re-establishing Weyland-Yutani and the “world” of Alien, first. (Alien

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