Devin Fausnight- Blazing a Trailさんのプロフィール画像

Devin Fausnight- Blazing a Trailさんのイラストまとめ

Just a guy that loves video games / Future game developer / Yoshi Hater / Freedom Fighters Forever / Runs DailyFreedomFighters @freedomhq12

フォロー数:820 フォロワー数:505

Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 213

Answering a summons by the Wolf Pack, Sonic and Sally are set to be honorary members of the Wolf Pack. But the ceremony can’t be done without the Ancient Onyx. Suddenly Big shows up looking for the Ancient Onyx for the Felidae.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 210

While Sonic and the others are away, the remaining Freedom Fighters keep up the fight in New Mobotropolis. While saving civilians, Geoffrey returns from his mission and begins helping.

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Sonic Universe Issue 15

After a little fighting it turns out the Destructix want an alliance with the Freedom Fighters since there goals align. They want Lightning Lynx and the Freedom Fighters want the Raiju clan to leave the Iron Dominion.

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Sonic Universe Issue 14

Answering the summons by the Yagyu clan, they start negotiating with them. The leader doesn’t want Sonic or Tails involved so they wait outside. While waiting outside Fiona shows up and Sonic and Tails chase her.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 209

Using a device from a previous issue, Sonic and Sally head into the city’s code to try and free Nicole. After a little bit of fighting Sally is able to free her. They formulate the plan to head to the Dragon Kingdom and cut off supplies.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 208

The Iron Queen heads to New Mobotropolis after realizing she can take over Nicole. After taking over Nicole she immediately puts the city on lockdown. Sonic, Tails, Sally and Monkey Khan plan to head to Freedom HQ to help Nicole.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 207

The Iron King heads to old Mobotropolis to get rid of New Mobotropolis’s power. Sonic and Monkey Khan go to contest him but are not making any progress. Sonic eventually comes up with the idea of tricking him into destroying a fake generator.

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Sonic Universe Issue 12

After Duck Bill tells them that he’s actually a double agent, the Chaotix and Downunda Freedom Fighters escape and go after Finitevus. Knuckles heads up to Angel Island to face Finitevus. After he try’s to convince Knuckles to join him they start fighting

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Sonic Universe Issue 11

After being forced to team up with Dr.Finitevus, our heroes meet up with the Downunda Freedom Fighters. The Downunda Freedom Fighters tell them about the Dark Egg Legion in the region and how it’s being lead by Duck “Bill” Platypus.

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Sonic Universe Issue 9

After getting some information on Dr.Finitevus, Knuckles, Julie-Su and Mighty go to find him. Getting to where is lab is supposed to be, they find some ancient ruin that aren’t of Echidna origin. Eventually they find an entrance but fall into a trap.

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