Devin Fausnight- The Hunt Beginsさんのプロフィール画像

Devin Fausnight- The Hunt Beginsさんのイラストまとめ

Just a guy that loves video games / Future game developer / Yoshi Hater / Freedom Fighters Forever / Runs DailyFreedomFighters @freedomhq

フォロー数:835 フォロワー数:469

Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 180

After hearing about Enerjak’s return the Freedom Fighters start coming up with a plan to stop him. Even calling a truce with Eggman. The Chaotix are trying to leave the city because they haven’t heard from Knuckles who left for Angel Island.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 178

There is civil unrest in New Mobotropolis. Amadeus Prower starts a riot and is arrested while trying to get New Mobotropolis to move to a more democratic system. King Max tells Elias that he should not stand for any of this.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 176

After their defeat the few that remain quickly rally against Eggman with a plan made up by Nicole. Invading Eggman’s capital as he gloats, Sonic and Co. break everyone out and hack his systems. They change the teleporting frequency to somewhere else.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 173

Antoine and Bunnie are now engaged but that won’t stop a mission. After getting reports that Rouge has stolen and is now selling the Master Emerald, the Freedom Fighters jump into action. Many villains show up looking to claim it but are all stopped.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 171

After learning Eggman had Gerald’s old diary, Shadow takes and heads to Freedom HQ to get help decoding it. In the file he discovers his past and finds out he was meant to be a savior of Mobius. The back up story has Locke leaving Angel Island.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 170

Using a new zone portal they created, the Freedom Fighters are able to get a Chaos Emerald. They use it to cure Sally’s father and save Tails parents. Sonic and Knuckles remember the fallen and wonder if Shadow is evil or just misguided.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 169

Finally reaching Adam, Sonic begins fighting him. Eggman frees Tails and Shadow and they send all the Chaos Emeralds into the Zone of Silence. Tommy is able to regain control and sacrifices himself to stop Adam.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 168

Adam finally puts his plan into motion. Using the Nanites he infected the Freedom Fighters with, he kidnaps Tails and captures Shadow. His plan being to get as many Chaos Emeralds as he can.Fully infecting Tommy he prepares for Sonic to arrive.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 157

Shadow in the middle of a fight with Metal Sonic is captured by M. Eggman recruits the help of Sonic after getting a strange message, promising to help Sonic’s father. Sonic heads to his capital when it is attacked by M with an army of Metal Sonics.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 154

After the attempt on Mina’s life, the Freedom Fighters jump into action to protect her. Ash isn’t a big fan of this seeing as Sonic broke Mina’s heart. During the concert, Heavy and Bomb attack and fight the Freedom Fighters.

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