Devin Fausnight- Discovering the Monado’s powerさんのプロフィール画像

Devin Fausnight- Discovering the Monado’s powerさんのイラストまとめ

Just a guy that loves video games / Future game developer / Yoshi Hater / Freedom Fighters Forever / Runs DailyFreedomFighters @freedomhq12

フォロー数:799 フォロワー数:452

Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 204

The Freedom Fighters fight Monkey Khan trying to get him to fight the Iron Queen’s control. They get the idea to use another power ring to give him control. The idea works and the Iron Queen leaves for the time being.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 202

Sonic and Monkey Khan head to Eggman's old city to confront the Iron Dominion. They are ambushed by the Dark Egg Legion and Ninjas, including Espio. They fight as long as they can before the Iron King shows up and they are hopelessly outmatched.

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Sonic Universe Issue 8

With Perfect Tikhaos on the loss, the Freedom Fighters scramble to contain the situation. When Manik gives the suggestion to go for the head like with Perfect Chaos, they set the plan into motion. Sonic almost makes it but is hit.

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 7

After regrouping and recruiting Antoine and Bunnie’s kids, our new group of Freedom Fighter head to take back the castle. Meanwhile the newly awakened Shadow heads into the catacombs to unleash Tikhaos, a combination of Tikal and Chaos.

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Sonic Universe Issue 6

Silver explains he’s there to stop an event from destroying the future. Lara-Su is looking for clues on Lien-Da when she sees the Dark presence breaking into the castle.

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Sonic Universe Issue 5

After King Shadow’s take down there has been 5 years of peace but that’s about to change. Lara-Su on her first mission as a solo Guardian is tasked with making sure the 5 years of peace celebration goes well.

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Sonic Universe Issue 4

Shadow and Rouge travel into the special zone and meet Feist. He gives them a challenge but they are unable to finish it. Shadow feels it is his fault for not being good enough. Hope is eventually able to convince him that everyone is allowed to fail.

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Sonic Universe Issue 3

Shadow is sent on a mission to recruit Gamma while at the same time Omega is sent on a mission to destroy him. Shadow is able to link up with Gamma and convince him to join but then Omega attacks them. Omega chases Gamma telling him he is an inferior model

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Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 182

Sonic arrives back at New Mobotropolis and immediately begins fighting Enerjak not knowing it’s Knuckles. Shadow shows up to help being an agent of GUN now. Even with Shadow taking off his inhibitor rings they are still having trouble.

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