

Big body grapplers are my passion. Amateur video editor.
❤️ @VryRdmButterfly
Profile pic: @Just_KISEK
Banner: @Likryt

フォロー数:229 フォロワー数:5411

This one?
Otherwise I don't know

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It's like seeing someone buffering yukikaze and deciding to press anyways

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Blue RC: Can be done in neutral, applies the most slowdown in its bubble
Red RC: Can be done when they opponent is being hit or guarding, also has a hit to launch for juggles
Purple RC: Can be done during the startup/recovery of a move when the opponent is not in hit/blockstun

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Hammerfall FRC, EXE Beast FRC, Action Charge FRC, all of these are examples of incredibly useful FRCs that make these characters even scarier by just having 25 meter. Some characters are heavily reliant on their FRCs!

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Haven't done one of these in a while, so it's time for another fighting game deep dive!
This time, I want to take a look at the various RC systems GG has had (starting with XX).

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I was going through old BB story modes, and I've come to the conclusion that the worst thing that ever happened to Tager as a character was Kokonoe becoming directly involved in the story.

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You know, I know Tager is supposed to have a traditional grappler/judo pose like Daimon, but his idle stance has always bugged me.
It looks less like he's posed up, ready to grab you and more like he can't put his arms down...

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If you ever feel bad about your character, just remember:
You could playing Sign 1.0 Potemkin, a character who's primary damage came from really hard corner combos and said combos DIDN'T EVEN GIVE HIM A HARD KNOCKDOWN.

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Tager you okay bro
(Older BB sprites are starting to show their age...)

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I feel like Slidehead is kinda underwhelming as a move.
Really slow, doesn't do damage, and isn't even plus on block. Hell, the armor doesn't last through the active frames!
Plus, even if you hit them, unless you're very close you don't really get anything off of it.

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