

Mythology, History, Storytelling: the Godyssey podcast is a deep dive into our shared humanity through gods. 3 seasons currently out!

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The Japanese mermaid, the Ningyo, is much more fish-like than the European imagining, but with an extra caveat: its flesh gives those who eat it immortality. Yet this comes at an untold, often tragic price: will you pay it?

🖼️: P. Piereth

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If not properly cared for, brownies would first turn to pranks. They hide things—your keys, your socks, the household object you need just now—and would make things to mold and curdle. If this did not get their point across, a brownie might become a boggart.

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The Romans consulted the Sibylline Books during times of turmoil, for these Greek prophecies offered suggestions on how to navigate crises. In the 4th century the general Stilicho had them burned, for reasons unknown: the city of Rome soon fell.

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The tribes of Arctic North America tell of the Sun and Moon chasing one another, though the reasons and names vary by group and region. In some, they are siblings at war; in others, quarrelling lovers or victim and attacker.

🖼️: E. Fiegenschuh

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Fate and prophecy are the dominion of the Morrigan, a warrior goddess associated with shapeshifting, crows, and death. She is her own singular goddess, yet also represents her and her sisters, a three-in-one yet one alone goddess.

🖼️: Mikadze

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While Narcissus is often listed as the origin of the name of the flower, Plutarch suggests it comes from the Greek narkissos, referring to its use as a narcotic used in numbing. It also relates to Persephone, a sign of her return.
🖼️: W. Crane

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Miach and Airmed were the children of Dian Cecht, the great surgeon of the Tuatha de Danann. Airmed was the greatest herbalist while Miach was an innovator of technique, to the point his jealous father slew him for outdoing him.

🖼: J. FitzPatrick

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How the Jade Rabbit joined Chang'e on the Moon in Chinese lore varies by the telling. In some tales, he was hidden in the sleeve of her robe, in others he leapt to the moon. Yet in others he had always been there.

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Few mountain beasts are as terrifying as the terrible Roc, whose home can range from China to Madagascar, the deserts and the mountains. Only the largest of beasts is its prey, but for its babies, humans are ample enough.

🖼: EJ Detmold

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In Greek, Parthenos is the title given to goddesses who are virgins, for that is the word's literal meaning. Athena is the most famous Parthenos, after which her temple was named in Athens; Artemis and Hestia are others.

🖼️: R. Smythe

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