

アニメーター // 作画監督 ||| 現在、RA CRAFTに在籍中, 勤務先連絡先電話番号 - 03-5324-0848 || JOJO Stone Ocean | ONE PIECE | Urusei Yatsura | DMDP | CSM | Undead Unluck | Re:Zero

フォロー数:1166 フォロワー数:49994

But at the same time I still enjoy drawing Jojo anime stuff and reinventing it in ways that feel fresh for me. It's a lot easier and is definitely a better clout magnet.
What's more important to me is the fullfilment I get from conveying my own ideas than imitating someone else's

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Maybe in a year or two I could prepare one of those silly merch shops at Pyrkon. I'd sell prints of posters of my art for various shows (mostly most popular ones, not just Jojo), sell hand drawn genga, do quick sketches of characters and I could sign stuff.

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Season 1 had a style only inspired by source material, sort of like Berserk movies.
DiU anime tries to adapt the style but fails. It removes so much of Jojo style quirks becouse of the whole "yaoi" look they go for. Rather than it looking like Jojo it tries to look like all the

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Pillar Men would go so hard if Komino was also a designer for Parts1/2

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Kinda examples of what I mean

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The way Jojo is adapted now is more what you'd see with other anime, where they replicate the style 1:1 and just add color to it.

Part 3 was also really accurate but the anime designers quirks were more apparent, detailed metallic like shading, highlights, triangular look etc.

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