

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

フォロー数:158 フォロワー数:19130

Do you like Charging 7/7's and 8/8's at your opponent? Try EZ BIG EZ HUNTER EZ by ! https://t.co/SRVpBR29c7

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Spiteful Summoner in Midrange Hunter?! Well, it makes sense if the only spell you run is Call of the Wild. In other words, is starting his playtesting session! https://t.co/X5TxOJpSFF

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We've thought that Diamond Spellstone will be good in Big Priest... But is trying to make it work in Silence Priest too! Here's her list: https://t.co/lAB6sJasgh

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We don't even know how to play this deck, but seems to make stuff like that work. Here's a Miracle/Yogg/Mill Druid from him! https://t.co/20JseDTVkJ

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Another unique Mage deck, this time from . Elemental Quest Mage! https://t.co/K6yy7ERWFd

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Overload Control Shaman from . We've theorycrafted something a bit similar, but without Jade package... and without Runespear :D https://t.co/MeXitNixEO

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TwoBiers is running a Temporus OTK Priest. High risk, high reward! https://t.co/p1z9TRaQLT

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Another Warrior deck, this time Big/Recruit Warrior from . Let's see how this one performs! https://t.co/z239qTD5y6

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One of the most commonly theorycrafted decks, Big Spells Mage, is here! Deck list by . https://t.co/K7GCWHRgg7

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After , now tries his own version of N'Zoth Quest Priest! https://t.co/cSF9u4lXuX

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